But still many small business owners don't realize the power of the Internet,on how they could gain a larger audience in marketing their products. I, for one, just realized recently how this technology have made my own mami business gain popularity among my peers and other people who visit my blog and social networking sites that I have joined in like Facebook and Twitter. I would also type in my shoutouts on my Yahoo Messenger status and Skype status links to my blog, and encouraging them to follow my updates on Twitter.
Actually I have already made some deals regarding my siomai business, though it's not that big, but i know that I am starting on the right note. I hope this article helps. Till next time.
You're right.. It doesn't matter if you're business is offline, or has no relevance to computersrs or technology. Promoting one's business activities online opens up a wider marketing space for it to grow and develop since the internet has become the largest and most patronized marketplace today.
Hello! How is your business doing now? I observed your articles are missing something very important and that is the dates you posted them. I would like to hear more good news from you. Thanks.
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